Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Free Download
To most people Call of Duty really only became relevant with the release of Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare and for good reason, that game refined the genre perfectly and streamlined everything and also brought the setting out of the worn out WWII setting. So to many Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 also known as MW3 is the pinnacle of the Call of Duty franchise as it's as of this point the latest Modern Warfare game released.

I always play through the single-player campaign of Call of Duty games but I'm not a huge fan of the campaign usually, it's not that it is bad, it's just not my cup of tea. As you can imagine the story mode in this game is very similar to previous games in that you get to play many different characters at different times progressing through their portion of the larger story arch. What was nice about this game in comparison to previous games is that the missions had a lot of variation in terms of what you might be asked to do on any given level, which is refreshing to many.
There is also a cooperative mode in this game called survival, this new mode is very similar to zombies but instead you fend of seemingly unlimited waves of living enemies. One very glaring difference is that the spawns of enemy waves is different in zombies they would always spawn at set locations, in this mode they will change depending on your location, this adds for a much more unpredictable and difficult battles.

Let's all be honest here everyone who gets and plays the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 download is really playing for the online multiplayer this is what keeps us all coming back for more. My favorite multiplayer addition in MW3 is the change they made to the previous killstreak system. There are three separate areas now to gain what is known as pointstreaks you can get points from assault, specialist, and support gameplay. Which is nice because now in objective modes especially when you are doing more for the team than just going for kills you get rewarded just the same as someone who is going on killing sprees. The weapon unlocking system is also a bit different, instead of purchasing new things you now unlock them just with equipping the said weapon and using it enough to unlock more and more. Also I like how in Modern Warfare 3 they gave more of a reason for players to prestige because of being able to unlock and use a prestige shop to get more bonus perks and accessories to enhance your player.
MW3 had downloadable content in mind from the start, there were monthly DLC releases known as content drops for several straight months this included tons of additional multiplayer maps essentially more than doubling the map count, so there is tons of map variation for gamers to choose from.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the standard for arcade first person shooters currently if you love online FPSs than this is a must have game, and millions still log on each week to battle online. So please go ahead and get your Call of Duty Modern Warfare pc download from this MW3 torrent right this second.
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